AP Top News at 5:14 p.m. EST
By APWednesday, February 10, 2010
AP Top News at 5:14 p.m. EST
MARJAH, Afghanistan — U.S. Marines and Afghan soldiers advanced through poppy fields of Marjah on Saturday under withering gunfire from Taliban fighters shooting from mudbrick homes and compounds where families huddled in terror. President Hamid Karzai urged NATO to do more to protect civilians during combat operations to secure Marjah, a southern Taliban stronghold and scene of the biggest allied ground assault of the eight-year war.
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Tags: Accidents, Afghanistan, Asia, Central Asia, Europe, Events, Geography, Iraq, Israel, Jerusalem, Madeira, Middle East, Municipal Governments, New York, New York City, Newsbrief, North America, Pakistan, Portugal, Skiing, South Asia, Sports, Sports Names, Texas, Transportation, United States, Western Europe, Winter Olympic Games, Wisconsin, Women's Sports