Cleanup crews hold more controlled oil burns, put out more than 140 miles of containment boom

By Ray Henry, AP
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crews put out more than 140 miles of boom for oil

ROBERT, La. — An executive with BP PLC says the good weather in the Gulf of Mexico is continuing to help crews clean up the oil and that more than 140 miles of containment boom have been put out.

Chief operating officer Doug Suttles said Thursday that tens of thousands of gallons of oil have been burned off the surface. Suttles says he has also met with local officials in Louisiana. He says he is listening to their criticisms and they are also providing good feedback.

Suttles also was confident the containment box crews hope to lower 5,000 feet could in no way make the spill worse. He says submarine robots have been moving pieces around on the sea floor to prepare for the containment system.

He also says drilling on the relief well is making good progress.

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