WHU spokesman Gibbs says Obama poised to take claims processing away from BP, if necessary
By APTuesday, June 15, 2010
Gibbs: Administration may seize claims processing
WASHINGTON — Presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs says the administration is ready to take over the handling of oil spill damage claims from BP if the British company doesn’t set up an “independent entity” to do it.
Speaking from Washington, Gibbs said the oil giant’s claims processing work has been unsatisfactory. He noted that Obama “has the legal authority” to make the claims process independent. And Gibbs also said “the best way to prevail upon BP is to take the claims process away from BP.”
Interviewed on CBS’s “The Early Show,” Gibbs pledged “that will happen. … The president will either legally compel them or come to an agreement with BP to get out of the claims process, give that to an independent entity.”
Tags: Accidents, Environmental Concerns, North America, Oil spill, United States, Washington