Mass. congressman questions BP exec’s denial of underwater oil plumes in Gulf spill
By APMonday, May 31, 2010
Markey question’s BP claim on oil plume
WASHINGTON — A congressman is questioning BP CEO Tony Hayward’s claim that the oil company has not found evidence of underwater oil plumes. Scientists have reported plumes as long as 22 miles.
Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., said BP in this instance means “Blind to Plumes.” He sent a letter to Hayward Monday asking for documents to back up his claims.
Markey, chairman of a House Energy and Commerce Committee environmental panel, said it is vital that the government and researchers have unfettered access to all relevant data or analysis concerning underwater plumes. He also called on BP to offer “complete transparency” on its video feeds from the company’s underwater operations, calling any delay or other obstacle unacceptable.
Tags: Accidents, Environmental Concerns, Government Regulations, Industry Regulation, North America, United States, Washington