Holder to meet with state attorneys general, US attorneys on Gulf Coast
By APMonday, May 31, 2010
Holder to meet with state AGs on Gulf Coast
WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder plans to visit the Gulf Coast to see areas affected by the oil spill and meet with state attorneys general and U.S. prosecutors.
The Justice Department says Holder will visit the region Tuesday. He is scheduled to receive a Coast Guard tour, then meet with the attorneys general of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi and several U.S. attorneys.
Several senators have asked the Justice Department to determine whether criminal or civil laws were broken in the spill.
BP PLC’s attempts to stanch the gushing oil have failed. BP may try again on Wednesday.
Filed under: Accidents and Disasters
Tags: Accidents, Coastlines And Beaches, Environmental Concerns, North America, Oil spill, United States, Washington
Tags: Accidents, Coastlines And Beaches, Environmental Concerns, North America, Oil spill, United States, Washington