Federal Government Closed Wednesday- OPM Twitter

By Arnab, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

WASHINGTON (GaeaTimes.com)- The snowstorm that is wrecking havoc with the lives of the residents of USA shows no sign of receding and weather experts warn that is may be followed by a smaller storm. The snowfall continues unabated in Washington and the adjacent regions. As a result the Federal Government offices have remained closed on Wednesday too. The news of the closure of the government offices has been affirmed by the OPM Twitter and website. The operations of the federal government were shut on Monday and Wednesday due to the inclement weather. The Tweet also clarified that the offices in DC region will be affected by the closure. However, the essential services employees have reported to work amidst the mayhem.

The OPM Tweet about the closure of Federal government operations on Wednesday has prompted a lot of people to search in the web for updates on the issue. The public life in Washington has literally come to a halt. The roads have turned slick and slippery and three people got injured in road accidents in Michigan. The weather forecasts are not quite encouraging and the snowfall is not likely to diminish anytime soon. It has made things hard for the tourists who have got stranded in Washington and other areas.

The OPM Twitter updates and the news that Federal government operations will remain closed on Wednesday has made many visitors jittery. The airports in Chicago and Newark have been forced to keep their operations almost suspended.Theschools havealsokepttheirclasses suspended.

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