Oil Spill Gulf Of Mexico 2010 Creates New Hazards

By Soumitra Mondal, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

San Francisco (GaeaTimes.com) According to the latest news, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 continues to create to create headache to the officials as the efforts to cap a spewing well fail. The oil spill is not expected to reach the coast until late of this week. The crude oil is forming long reddish orange ribbons of oil. If it reaches the shore it could cover white sand beaches and marsh grasses.

Questions are being raised about the safety procedures and environmental plans of BP and TransOcean. Administration officials have launched a full investigation of the incident and now, the members of Congress are demanding answers from the companies and the agency.

The Coast Guard is considering setting fire to the large oil spill. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry stated that the burns may be done during the day far away from the shore.

The crews were unable to stop the thousands of barrels of oil after the explosion at the Deepwater Horizon on April 20. The Deepwater Horizon was drilling 50 miles or 80 km off the Louisiana Coast. Eleven workers are still missing and they are presumed to be dead. The cause of the blast is not yet determined.

The burning may start today afternoon but there are doubts whether it will work or not. Wind, waves and other weather conditions will be considered whether or not to go ahead with the fire up procedure. Crews would make sure that no harm is done to the marine life. The works on the other oil rigs would not be interrupted.

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