Corporate Ethics
BOGOTA, Colombia - After he was captured by leftist rebels, Luis Mendieta's status in Colombia's police force suddenly became his curse.
NEW YORK - Milton Friedman once said companies can't be socially responsible because they only exist to make as much money as possible.
The 2010 Pulitzer Prize winners and finalists, with comments from the Pulitzer board:
- Public service: Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier, for the work of Daniel Gilbert on the murky mismanagement of natural-gas royalties owed to thousands of land owners in southwestern Virginia, spurring remedial action by state lawmakers.
MIAMI - Toyota has routinely engaged in questionable, evasive and deceptive legal tactics when sued, frequently claiming it does not have information it is required to turn over and sometimes even ignoring court orders to produce key documents, an Associated Press investigation shows.
MIAMI - Toyota has routinely engaged in questionable, evasive and deceptive legal tactics when sued, frequently claiming it does not have information it is required to turn over and sometimes even ignoring court orders to produce key documents, an Associated Press investigation shows.