Netizens demand justice for Aarushi

Thursday, December 30, 2010

NEW DELHI - Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter were flooded with livid reactions Thursday, a day after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) sought to close the Aarushi Talwar murder case due to “lack of evidence”.

I am furious to know that the evidence has been tampered with and that CBI has closed the case. What kind of impression does the legal system of our country portray to the rest of the world? This is absolutely outrageous!! US-based Kritika Bharadwaj posted on Facebook.

Aarushi, the daughter of dentist parents Rajesh and Nupur Talwar, was found murdered in mysterious circumstances in their Jalvayu Vihar apartment in Noida May 16, 2008. The family’s domestic help, Hemraj, whom Noida police initially suspected for the murder, was also found dead on the flat’s terrace a day later.

Rajesh Talwar was arrested and jailed for 50 days, but was later let off because of lack of evidence. CBI later arrested his medical assistant Krishna and two other domestic helps in the neighbourhood Raj Kumar and Vijay Mandal.

All of them were freed after a period of detention while the CBI continued to hunt for material evidence in the case that caused a sensation in Delhi and became the talking point across the country.

CBI should get hold of all UP/Ghaziabad police officials who were responsible for destroying all the evidence that was available earlier… another failure of our sick system !!! Facebook-user Inder Raj Singh said.

Amit Malik tweeted from Gurgaon: Aarushi case closed… No one can find out what happened?? How shameful can it get???

Can’t imagine the suffering of Aarushi’s parents who must be missing their beloved innocent bubbly daughter. Her murderers are getting away because of an indifferent CBI, said Pune’s Sandeep Vora.

A furious Ankur Srivastava posted on Facebook: This is very shameful for our legal system. We all are hurt… and this system has to be changed.

While a majority of the messages and posts were dedicated to Aarushi, some focused on Hemraj too.

Why is everyone here forgetting Hamraj? We want justice for both!! Sayan Acharya posted on Facebook.

This reflects the influence of media They are running the campaign ‘No One Killed Aarushi’ and what about Hemraj… CBI is shutting the case because some powerful/rich people are behind the gruesome crime… a Facebook post by Sachin Manchanda said.

Filed under: Accidents and Disasters

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